Engineering Implications of Integrated Product Service Offerings
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Lindahl, Mattias; Sakao, Tomohiko; Öhrwall Rönnbäck, Anna
Series: ICED
Section: Product and Systems Design
Page(s): 71-82
In recent years there has been a shift from a product focus into a growing focus on the early stages of product development as well as service and business development. The objective of this paper is to map out engineering implications and challenges based on five integrated empirical examples of product service offerings. The paper is mainly based on case studies at Swedish manufacturing companies of different sizes. In total, 120 case studies were conducted. The most-used data collection method in these studies has been qualitative research interviews. From the vast empirical data gathered, five of these cases are presented in this paper: (1) lighting-function, (2) core plugs, (3) material handling, (4) plate compacting, and (5) thrust. These examples show that the orientation towards IPSOs implies several important strategic implications for a supplier company. Based on the examples, a discussion is presented concerning existing and potential engineering issues related to engineering requirements, development process and risks and opportunities with IPSOs. Future research will be to further develop these engineering issues into design recommendations, and to further validate them.
Keywords: Product Service Systems (PSS), Business Strategies