DS 49: Proceedings of NordDesign 2004 Conference, Tampere, Finland, 18.-20.08.2004
Year: 2004
Editor: Lehtonen, Timo; Pulkkinen, Antti and Riitahuhta, Asko
Author: Andersson, Kjell
Page(s): 173 - 182
Product development is often described as an iterative process of finding solutions that match specific requirements. The many dimensions of this process include time, organization, product-specific elements such as the level of abstraction and detail, and analysis to verify the product's properties. Many types of software tools are used to generate and visualize the concept shape. These include CAD (computer-aided design) tools; tools to simulate and verify product properties, such as FE (finite element analysis) and MBS (multibody systems); and tools for handling product data such as PDM (product data management). The paper focus on the effective use of simulation software such as FE and MBS tools to support the process of verifying that a product meets the formulated requirements. The simulation software can be used for such things as selecting alterative solutions or as a final check or optimization of a solution concept. It, can be used even more effectively if it is supported by a framework for handling the information created during the verification process.
Keywords: Modeling, Simulation, Question-Answer, Design Process