Stability of collaborative R&D networks: A simulation study
DSM 2012 Proceedings of the 14th International DSM Conference, Kyoto, Japan
Year: 2012
Editor: Onishi, M.; Maurer, M.; Kirner, K.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Gust, P.; Altfeld, N.; Kreutzfeldt, J.
Series: DSM
Institution: 1: University of Wuppertal, Germany; 2: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Section: Management of Engineering Design Projects
Page(s): 385-399
ISBN: 978-3-446-43354-0
To reduce the likelihood that R&D projects fail, companies tend to perform R&D activities in collaborative networks. A fundamental characteristic of networks is stability. This paper introduces a
novel approach that determines the stability of R&D networks and combines the analysis network topology with a two-layer simulation model. To analyze the topology of collaborative R&D project networks graph theory and measures from social network analysis are used. Our study enables us to identify the companies that play a key role in the R&D network. To ensure the stability of the collaborative R&D project, participants with a high betweenness centrality index should be identified and monitored. These participants have a great impact on the stability of collaborative networks.
Keywords: Collaborative networks, R&D, stability, social network analysis