Year: 2015
Editor: Christian Weber, Stephan Husung, Marco CantaMESsa, Gaetano Cascini, Dorian Marjanovic, Srinivasan Venkataraman
Author: VADOUDI, Kiyan; TROUSSIER, Nadège
Series: ICED
Institution: University of Technology of Troyes, France
Section: Design Information and Knowledge Management
Page(s): 051-060
ISBN: 978-1-904670-73-5
ISSN: 2220-4334
There are major challenges for the designer to include Sustainable Development aspects into product design activities; particularly related to the social and wider environmental aspects. One way of giving a more accurate meaning to sustainability is the territorial understanding of the term. A territorial interpretation can make sustainability a more articulate, current, and pragmatic theory. Literature review shows that the existing product design approaches are mostly general at global level and very little attention has been paid to integrate territorial characteristics into product information-modeling. Despite, in recent years, some agriculture products having been designed and developed based on territorial specifications, but this approach is needs to be expanded with other types of products. Therefore, in this paper we describe a general product information-modeling framework that we believe can help designers to optimize product performance in the design phase by taking into account territorial conditions and requirements. The framework is based on the Core Product Model (CPM) which is extended with geographical and environmental data models.
Keywords: New Product Development, Sustainability, Product Modelling, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Geographical Information System