Entwicklung von Smart Machine Elements - Ansatz einer smarten Ausgleichskupplung
DFX 2016: Proceedings of the 27th Symposium Design for X, 5-6 October 2016, Jesteburg, Germany
Year: 2016
Editor: Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack
Author: Schork, Stefan; Gramlich, Sebastian; Kirchner, Eckhard
Series: DfX
Institution: Technische Universität Darmstadt
Section: Industrie 4.0
Page(s): 181-192
ISBN: 978-3-946094-09-8
Future projects like „Industrie 4.0“ often aim for an increase in networking and data exchange between machines and processes. To collect these process relevant data, more sensors are needed. The data is afterwards used to e.g. make decentralized decisions on how the process should be influenced to optimize the process outcome. To influence the process, more actuators are needed. The idea behind Smart Machine Elements is to use the standardized interface between machine elements and adjacent components to implement the needed sensors and actuators. This paper first points out the motivation for the development of Smart Machine Elements and thereafter shows their potential. To further increase the understanding of this idea, the example of the smart compensating coupling is given.
Keywords: Smart Machine Elements, Industrie 4.0, functional integration; compensating coupling