Year: 2021
Editor: Grierson, Hilary; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon
Author: Biedermann, Anna; Santolaya Sáenz, José Luis; Muñoz López, Natalia; López Canellas, Ana
Series: E&PDE
Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Section: Educating Designers and Engineers for a Sustainable Future in Design and Engineering Education
DOI number: 10.35199/EPDE.2021.49
ISBN: 978-1-912254-14-9
Design and engineering education requires continuous adaptation to the existing environmental and societal challenges. The design of sustainable and socio-ethical new solutions that involve not only the design of industrial products but also services and systems that combine products and services is currently considered in several studies as a satisfactory way to work. This study shows the introduction in higher education of practical methods to design service systems taking into account sustainability principles. Different final degree projects, focused on the design of cultural services, are developed. Two examples of projects dedicated to the development of traveling exhibitions carried out with different means are addressed. Sustainability has been evaluated using the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) method that takes into account the environmental, economic, and social dimensions. In both cases, a set of sustainability indicators have been used. Impacts associated with each dimension have been obtained in the three main stages established within the service life cycle: implementation, operation, and dismantling. Factors that cause the highest impact have been identified and design alternatives to improve the sustainability of the service have been proposed. To prove if the new service design generates less impact, a comparison between sustainability indicators of both initial and new service has been conducted, as well as a sensitivity study. Promoting the improvement of sustainability in design projects is increasingly required. This kind of final degree project underlines the responsibility the designers have to be aware of the impacts of theirs designs as well as allows the students to gain experience in an area in which can practice their profession.
Keywords: Sustainable design; Cultural service; Design methods